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Spectrum Building Envelope Consultants, LLC

Business Office Park - Leesburg, Virginia
Exterior Wall Forensic Survey and Water Testing

Spectrum was engaged to determine the source of chronic water penetration into the first level spaces of the end units. Prior to Spectrum’s involvement, the foundation walls above and below-grade had been injected with epoxy and bentonite grouts, as well as topical sealant repairs to above grade cracks in the foundation walls.

Spectrum performed a survey of the roofing, prefabricated tilt-up wall panels and exposed foundation walls with only minor issues observed. Spectrum performed redundant water testing of the foundation walls and was able to replicate the water penetration being experienced and identify the source of the water penetrations.

A report of Spectrum’s testing and findings was issued and a restoration contractor was engaged to route and seal cracks in the foundation walls and properly replace the sealant joint between the foundation and the tilt-up wall panels, resolving the water penetration issues.